
Archives / 2013
  • Windows Embedded 8 Handheld SDK is available


    Windows Embedded Handheld 8 SDK is finally available, and you can download and install it from here .

    But I want to make order out of what actually is this SDK and what role plays in the market.

    Windows Embedded Handheld 8 is part of the Embedded family of products offered by Microsoft, in particular, the handheld version is already available from many years and in fact is the product formerly known as Windows Mobile smartphones that Microsoft was offering at that time. Still …

  • How to detect if an headset is plugged

    Some time ago, a friend who is working on a big WP8 project, asked me for a method to detect when the headphone jack is plugged or unplugged from the device, given that apparently there were no  API to do this.

    I also do not know the answer and not even my internet searches give any success.

    My first idea was to use the FM radio API to measure signal strength, as the headset is used as an antenna for the radio synth, I thought that the presence of plug in device would increase the …

  • Small personal satisfactions …..

    In recent months I have to say that my commitment within the Italian Community given me some big satisfactions, in fact I had a chance to participate as a speaker or attendee to events that have expressed very high levels for content, and overall organization. I refer to the ComunityDays of Milan and Catania, DotNetCampus, Codemotion or recent Better Embedded. Not counting the numerous individual community events where I usually have relations DotNetToscana , DotNetLombardia, DomusDotNet, …

  • Intel Perceptual Computing SDK 2013 get GOLD release 2

    In these days our loved Perceptual SDK receive an update in the SDK incarnation, there's a lot of improvement and new implementation. The release is marked with the version number 8779, just from the change log we can note the news. First of all the Java app dev support and Projection in framework porting libraries support was added, Many of the samples (either C++ and C#) was rewritten or heavily modified. For example the Gesture_Viewer_Simple (in C#) was rewritten to be GUI based, now it …

  • New appointments for Embedded Devs in Italy

    We are seeing the arrival of the new wave of embedded product from Microsoft, and I think we will see many event about that around the world. For now I want to remember two event where we can see some of these new tech here in Italy: DotNetCampus on April 13th at Università Roma Tre Better Embedded on July 8th and 9th in Florence   In these two conference I’ll be host some session about Windows Embedded Handeld and enterprise application.

  • Porting an Enterprise app from Windows Mobile to Windows Phone (Part 1 of ??)

    That’s coming! The (real) successor of Windows Mobile (Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5.x) is coming in the next month (week?), as we already know. We also understand that the next generation of handheld devices will be based on Windows Phone 8 OS (the correct name is Windows Embedded 8 Handheld or WE8H), so I decided to start the porting, or is better to say rewriting, of one of my Enterprise App I’ve developed in the last year, to the new OS. This is the first of an unspecified number of posts, …

  • Printing with Windows Phone

    Last week I hosted a session at an event named WPReborn, organized by the Community DotNetLombardia at the Microsoft headquarters in Milan.

    As the name of the event say, all the sessions try to clarify all the news coming with WP8 bat also many aspect that usually you don’t find around.

    My speech was about the Enterprise Application on WP8.

    I specifically develop a demo of an app for the paying park management with relative ticket emission.

    Every day we see similar app around the …

  • Windows Embedded 8 Handeld: The return of Windows Mobile!

    Ok, I already know that the Microsoft Marketing guys will hate me for my title, but I think this was the only title that could sum up my thoughts. In fact, if we’re going back until the beginning of 2010 we find the announcement of the new platform and ecosystem: Windows Phone 7 or, as it was called at first Windows Phone 7 series. That announcement marked the end of Windows Mobile platform on which much of the enterprise market for retail, logistics, hospitality etc was based. Many (like me) …


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